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Article: Survival in Senior Housing/Healthcare Industry Not Assured

Question: Who's best equipped to make a go of it in the senior housing/healthcare industry today?
Well, the belief is that the industry will increasingly advantage the knowledgeable, technologically savvy operator who has the requisite business and managerial skills needed to cope with challenge and change.  An ability to anticipate and deal with uncertainty is helpful as well.

Operators today continue to work in an environment in which state revenues are increasing, only never as quickly as hoped for.

Medicaid is a huge component of any state's budget and Medicare spending is a large component of the Federal budget.  Realistically, in today's political climate, what we have to look forward to are continued attempts to reduce the cost of government programs that the industry relies on.

In an environment where the only certainty is uncertainty, it's important for owners to stay highly liquid.  Another improtant idea is continual investment in facility improvement, especially with borrowing costs as low as they are today.

Realististically, skilled nursing homes continue to be the low cost provider in our healthcare system and, based on demographics alone, seem destined to survive and even thrive.  But the outlook for the marginal operators is not inspiring.

Understanding the financial landscape is essential.  And so is choosing an experienced capital partner with a level of experience not gained overnight.

Moore Financial Services can be that experienced partner for you.  We have assembled a superb group of industry leaders and independent strategic partners to support these efforts. For a no obligation consultation to discuss your growth plans, please contact us at 412-831-4896 or email at to schedule a time convenient for you.