Financial/Insurance Tools
Moore Financial Services is a boutique financial
services firm with a strong focus on serving the needs of Senior Management to help execute their strategic plans.
We specialize in a number of compatible financial/insurance tools that can be
implemented individually or in combination with others in our portfolio of products to best serve your needs and help grow
and sustain your enterprise, or assist in your exit/succession planning.
- ASSET MONETIZATION is a process of
utilizing the value of core and non-core real estate by implementing a Sale/Leaseback to monetize an otherwise dormant
asset. It's possible to retain the use of the real estate without actually owning it.
Provides financial coverage for some or all of the losses that can happen when a customer does not pay for goods
or services because of bankruptcy, insolvency, or other issues or if payment is very late.
Housing and Healthcare industries as well as others.
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FUNDING (MARF) an alternative Funding Approach For Working Capital, utilizing a potentially dormant
asset i.e. Medical A/R (This financial tool is available for most every commercial enterprise).
- LIFE SETTLEMENTS is the sale of a life insurance policy
by a senior over the age of 65 to an institutional investor. Today, many seniors are using the proceeds from a senior settlement
to finance senior housing and long-term care needs. Additionally when a "Key Man/Woman" exits the firm, the no longer
need insurance policy/asset can provide additional funds to help in the redemption of a senior partners equity position. The
proceeds are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose.